Sunday, November 2, 2008
I missed the chance of walking on water
I overslept. Was supposed to wake up at 5.30am this morning but my alarm failed to wake me up.
Next year, I will definitely be there.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Movies: Tropic Thunder
Good news for car owners
If you are affected by crazy oil prices then you must do something about it. Travel more with lower cost. You will regret for not doing anything about your increasing energy bills. It's time to slash your energy bills.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Would you stay in a murder house?
There's a murder or multiple murders in an apartment few years back or even a decade ago. The apartment is then put up for sale.
I won't even if it's not haunted. It may be haunted since there's a possibility of the dead with grievances still residing in that house.
(It may or may not be haunted). Nobody knows for sure except for the residents.
The property prices will soar in future, say 3 years later, you will make good profits from the sale of your apartment if you buy it now.
The downside - Murder apartment and possibility of being haunted.
The upside - Handsome profits from the sale of the apartment.
I won't stay there.
That's out of my comfort zone no matter how much profits I will e getting in the near future. I do like horror movies but I don't like to be part of the movie.
For half of it's market value? 50% OFF.
I won't stay either.
Will you buy the apartment and stay there?
How was the week for you?
Until I saw this news from Yahoo.
Woman jailed after 'killing' virtual husband
I ended my workday with lots of question marks. Why so serious over an online marriage which means nothing?
Do you feel the same way as I do?
The news here:
By MARI YAMAGUCHI,Associated Press Writer
AP - Friday, October 24
TOKYO - A 43-year-old player in a virtual game world became so angry about her sudden divorce from her online husband that she logged on with his password and killed his digital persona, police said.
The woman, who has been jailed on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data, used his ID and password to log onto the popular interactive game "Maple Story" to carry out the virtual murder in May, a police official in the northern city of Sapporo said Thursday. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of department policy.
"I was suddenly divorced, without a word of warning. That made me so angry," the official quoted her as telling investigators and admitting the allegations.
The woman, a piano teacher, had not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.
She has not yet been formally charged. If convicted, she could face up to five years in prison or a fine up to US$5,000.
Players in "Maple Story" create and manipulate digital images called "avatars" that represent themselves, while engaging in relationships, social activities and fighting monsters and other obstacles.
In virtual worlds, players often abandon their inhibitions, engaging in activity online that they would never do in the real world. For instance, sex with strangers is a common activity.
The woman used login information she got from the 33-year-old office worker when their characters were happily married to kill the character. The man complained to police when he discovered that his online avatar was dead.
The woman was arrested Wednesday and taken 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) from her home in southern Miyazaki to be detained in Sapporo, where the man lives, the official said.
The police official said he did not know if she was married in the real world.
Bad online behavior is usually handled within the rules set up by online worlds, which can ban miscreants or take away their virtual possessions.
In recent years, misbehavior in the virtual world has in some cases had consequences in reality.
In August, a woman was charged in the U.S. state of Delaware with plotting the real-life abduction of a boyfriend she met through the virtual reality Web site "Second Life."
In Tokyo, a 16-year-old boy was charged with stealing the ID and password from a fellow player of an online game in order to swindle virtual currency worth US$360,000
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Lost another broker
My brokers kept leaving, I am not sure if they left for other companies or they had left the industry, I know the market is pretty hard on their business. Not only the current market. Ever since the launch of online trading, a lot of brokers were left broke.
DIY trading is so much competitive in commissions.
I never trade through my brokers ever since I started online unlike those early days of trading which I do not trust the online system.
And I guess those who really survived have upgraded themselves to the role of financial advisers/analysts.
Anyway....I finally opened the letter (before I throw it away), I am not surprised ....... a change of trading representative. This is the 7th time I have received this from CIMB.
"Change is the only constant?"
I guess I have to upgrade myself as well. It's a dreadful rat race which I am grateful that I am still in it (employed) and trying to get out of it (financial freedom).
I still prefer Yahoo! but only for 1 reason
It was for a few years.
Then I wonder what happened to them.
The search engine is not as good as before or I should say Google is better. It's easier to find websites on Google than Yahoo! The accuracy isn't that good on Yahoo!
The auction is gone too. Yahoo! auction is one of the best out there, I have traded a few times on the auction and it's so easy to find stuff. I don't like eBay for your info.
They shut it down.
Now, I have 2 reasons not to Yahoo!
Why would Yahoo! provide more emails like Y mail and rocketmail? Shouldn't they just focus on the usual Yahoo email, anyway, the new layout in Yahoo! email is good. But Gmail is also good with the layout not to mention Windows Live email. I like it with a email, this looks better than a email.
In fact, I have all 3 accounts, primarily using Yahoo! while trying out Gmail and Win Live and I use more of Win Live lately as compared to Yahoo! because of the Win Live's interface.
A total migration will come soon. So, my 3rd reason for not going Yahoo!. I am used to reading news on Yahoo! homepage, I find it much easier to browse headlines than MSN or USAtoday. It's the only reason why I am still addicted to Yahoo!
Was a big fan of Yahoo!, not a big fan for now and unless Jeff Yang could do something to give Google a run for its money, I doubt I will be using Yahoo! for long.
It lack the coverage of Google, lacks the innovation it seriously lacks the talents behind those innovations.
Maybe in the next few months......
Do you still Yahoo!? No, I don't anymore.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Harry's bar promotion for golfers

Are you as mad about golf as Harry's is? Then you will be very interested in knowing about the Barclays Singapore Open - Singapore's pre-eminent golf event, being held at Sentosa Golf Club 13 - 16 November 08.
This amazing 4 day event will showcase the talents of some "Gods of Golf", whose golf skills inspire and awe us at every par,namely:
- Phil Mickelson (World Rank 2)
- Padraig Harrington (World Rank 4)
- Ernie Els (World Rank 9)
- Adam Scott (World Rank 16)
- KJ Choi (World Rank 17)
All Harry's bars are the exclusive sellers of Barclays Singapore Open Early Bird Tickets at the special price of $88. That’s an EARLY BIRD 59% DISCOUNT on the $140 Official Ticket Price for the 4 Day Event.
So if you are mad about golf - pop down to any Harry's Bar for your ticket and get this amazing deal from today until 11 November.
See you at Sentosa 13-16 November!
Don't buy fake degree
If I remembered correctly, 218 people have been caught using fake degrees.
I wonder why anyone would enrol in a degree programme from an unknown university or buy a degree. It’s not about fairness since buying a degree for job application is already violating the law.
Anyone enrolling in a degree programme should conduct due diligence on his part.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tan Kin Lian is the man
Well, he mentioned in his blog that he doesn't want to be called a hero, but I think he deserves all the praise we could give him.
In every turmoil, there will always be someone like him, there is still hope even when you are cornered and it's true in this case.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Help me raise funds
As you can see, I have put up several ads (adsense, motion ads, text ads and clickbank), I am not commercialising my blog here but trying to raise funds to fund my studies in research and analysis which is my passion.
Click the adsense or motion ads if you don't intend to buy anything from clickbank. Clicking is free and at the same time you could help me with my quests.
Current funds from adsense : $2.06, oh well, a long way to go.
Or you could donate directly through paypal for a worthy cause and each donation is only $1.
I have also put up some ebooks here for sale here which allows me to earn some commissions. The ebooks I searched for are know-hows related which could be useful to you.
I will appreciate your help.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
An astute investor is a good businessman
But labeling him the most successful investor in the world is quite an understatement, he is in my opinion an outstanding businessman. Without an acute business sense, it’s impossible to pick winning stocks by scrutinizing financial figures.
How to tell if a business will be profitable in years to come, say 5 to 10 years?
How to tell if a business has a competitive advantage over its competitors?
Financial ratios have no answer for that. Financial analysis is not that useful.
Business analysis is a better tool, business valuation is a better tool, competition analysis is a better tool, and marketing analysis is a better tool......
Forget about examining economic cycles and look for business cycles instead. Since, there is no way any business could have left untouched by economic downturn; I personally think that it’s more valuable to examine the business cycles. The duration of each cycles, how long it took for the business to reach its peak in the cycle, how much has profits increased when it’s at the peak, how does this compare to the last peak so on and so forth.
You need a business mind to pick up good business. Financial intelligence or high qualifications wouldn’t be very helpful here.
Looking at each product cycles, how has the R&D been performing since the last big sale, how does the new product compete with its competitors; there are so many things to this. Competition analysis is more important than financial analysis.
I prefer simple ways for analysis, financial ratios are not my cup of tea, I have to learn since I am moving into fundamentals and keeping distance from technical.
OK. Its weekend now, the weather’s bad when I wrote this, I going off for a quick bite and will be back after my trip from the national library.
See you.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Too serious for you?
I hardly write about entertainment as you can see.
Drop me a suggestion.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Why are my groceries getting lighter?
That was 10 years ago....
Your boy in pre-school could carry your $10 worth of groceries.
That is the present.
In every market, there is an invisible hand helping you carry your groceries without sweat and the name is inflation.
In the next 10 years....your cat tells you it could carry your groceries for half a pack of Whiskas.
Life savings gone and they are helpless
The old folks whose lost their money to the sub-prime were coerce into buying the Lehman bonds. These are people who are not financial literate and will rely on the expertise of their advisers for investment matters. The typical target group for advisers.
And these adviser are not keen in giving prudent advice, they care for nothing but their commissions. They are only interested in building their own wealth and hitting targets.
Irony. The advisers get richer while clients become poorer.
Mr Tan Kin Lian has taken the initiative to organise a petition for the investors, and if you are an investor and have yet done so, please visit here:
Their retirement funds and life savings are gone. The old folks have nothing left for their golden nest.
I have never trusted any financial advisers. Never in my life.
I have only listened a recommendation of an adviser only once in my life, I was recommended a payout fund from Allianz, I lost money.
I can't blame them since the market is out of their control.But I will feel better if I am the one choosing the wrong funds. I will take responsibility for that.
The more of such news, I read the more I see the importance of financial literacy.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I am not a racist but 1000 of them.....

I am not a Tai Hwan resident. Phew.
I am definitely not a racist, but 1000 workers VS a tiny community of landed properties owners, you see the leverage here? They will even outnumber any police on patrol in the neighbourhood.
The residents are very concern about their safety and there’s nothing wrong with that. Who isn’t concern? I mean, they paid premium for the land properties for a reason right? Building a dormitory in the neighbourhood is going to affect home prices there.
If you walked into a posh restaurant in your slippers and as soon as you step in, you are going to expect stares as if you are walking on a red carpet to the Oscar. Can you blame anyone?
Sometimes people speak in strange languages which I have never heard of, they look like Indonesians but they don’t speak Bahasa Indonesia. I wonder where they came from. I am just curious.
Even 300 Spartans will have problem with 1000 of them.
This is scary.
We won't discriminate anyone, but we will still feel insecure.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
PowerColor ATI HD 4850
Card performance is good but the drivers are bad.
I am using this on VISTA 32 so I am not sure if XP users have problem with this card. The most common problems I get are freeze screen and the BSOD. Unfortunately, despite upgrading drivers, the current Catalyst Control Center is v8.9, the same problem occurs everyday.
I don't know why this has to happen since the card is real good BUT the drivers cannot make it. The card gets heated pretty easily. But a bigger fan could solve this.
Table tennis-Singapore coach quits over "insulting" offer
By Ossian Shine
SINGAPORE, Oct 14 - The man who helped deliver Singapore's first Olympic medal in 48 years is set to quit as table tennis coach after rejecting an "insulting and insincere" new deal from the city-state.
Liu Guodong, who led the Republic's women's table tennis team to a silver medal in Beijing in August, has turned down a two-year deal offered to him by the Singapore Table Tennis Association , local media reported on Tuesday.
"What they have put on the table is simply insulting and insincere. They are forcing me to leave," the 35-year-old told the Straits Times newspaper.
"I have helped to win an Olympic medal for the country, and they can't even match my salary to that of a consultant," he fumed, declining to reveal details of the package.
"They told me to take it or leave it. I refuse to be bullied by this kind of attitude any more."
STTA's new chief executive Chew Soo Sheng said the body was now working on finding a replacement women's head coach from China.
" have already shortlisted six names for the job," Chew said. "We respect coach Liu's decision and we thank him for his contributions to the sport over the last few years."
Liu's contract expires at the end of the year.
I don't know how much the STTA is offering the coach but since he said it's insulting.......
Isn't that what some employers do when they want to remove an employee in an indirect way?
Who wants to play for Singapore in future? One is leaving because of offer and the other one may leave because of possible marriage.
No wonder parents are not comfortable sending their kids to sports school.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Markets recover from near death

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Poll: Do you have enough money to survive the recession?
This weekend is a Monday
Jim Rogers: Let them go bankrupt
The current rescue plans, which will force governments to issue more debt, print money and flood the markets with liquidity, will flare up inflation after the crisis is over and will create worse problems, Jim Rogers CEO of Rogers Holdings, told CNBC."We're setting the stage for when we come out of this of a massive inflation holocaust," he said.And the plans are unlikely to fend off a severe economic downturn, as the crisis starts affecting all walks of life."We had the worst excesses we had in credit markets in world history. We're going to have to take some pain," Rogers said."Many people bought four or five houses with no money down and no job.....You think we'll just say well, that's too bad, we'll start over and nobody loses their job? Be realistic.""What about all the people in countries that minded their manners, saved their money, didn't get overextended and now all of a sudden they're being asked to bail out a bunch of guys on Wall Street who were incompetent at best and some of them crooks?""I thought it outrageous that anybody has to step in a bail out a bunch of 29 year olds driving Maseratis," he said.There are not many safe havens in the volatile markets, he said."I have an enormous amount of cash and I've been using it to buy more Japanese Yen, more Swiss Francs, more agricultural products....There's a liquidation phase going on, where everything is being liquidated. They're selling everything in sight.""In a period like this the way you make money coming out of it is to own the things were the fundamentals have not been impaired," Rogers added."I've been buying agricultural commodities. I bought some a couple of days ago. It's down today. It did not matter, I bought them. I covered shorts yesterday," Rogers said on CNBC.Rogers told CNBC's Maria Bartiromo that the financial markets are in a liquidation phase. "Commodities are only thing that I can see that will not be impaired."The way to solve this problem is to let people go bankrupt," Rogers said."Then you will hit bottom and then you start over. The people who are sound will take over the assets from the people who aren't sound and we will start over. This is the way the world has worked for a few thousand years."
Gold is green
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I have a couple of things missing in this blog
Financial crisis is like a public demonstration PART 2
- Stage 1 - Enthusiasm
- Stage 2 - Excitement
- Stage 3 - Frustrations
- Stage 4 - Hysterical
I will share this article with you
The 5 Laws of Money (Gold).The book entitled “The Richest Man in Babylon” in my opinion, is really one of the “classics” in Personal Finance.It’s first published in year 1926, 81 years ago! However, what the book shares are “Financial Principles” which are as useful and practical today, as they were, when first published in year 1926.I’ve personally benefited from the book tremendously and applying the principles therein and have experienced improvement in my own finances.Cheers!Dennis Ng, http://www.HousingLoanSG.comThe principles shared might seem simple. However, be really honest with yourself and check if you had “violated” some of the principles shared so far. Of course, the principles are not beneficial to those who think they already are very knowledgeable and have nothing to learn from others.They can bluff the whole world however, their own financial results will show whether they themselves are “financially literate” and really “know” what they proclaimed to know.A friend of mine said:”knowing and not doing it, is not yet knowing”. What he means is that you only know it if you’re applying what you learned. Knowledge is only POTENTIAL power. Knowledge is ONLY power when APPLIED.Below are written by me in Simple English, interpreting “The 5 laws of Money (Gold)” as shared in the book “The Richest Man in Babylon”:The 5 Laws of Money:1. Money comes gladly and in increasing quantity to any person who save at least 10% of his/her earnings (first step to Financial Freedom).There are only 3 Cashflow Scenarios:a. You spend more than you earn: This person has negative cashflows and likely to end up owing other people money (eg. credit cards, friends, relatives, loan sharks).b. You spend all that you earn: whether this person is earning S$2,00 a month or S$200,000 a month, he/she is still "Just over broke".c. You spend less than you earn (eg. save 10% of your eanings). as time goes by, this person will automatically get richer and richer.Which cashflow scenario do you want to CHOOSE for yourself?2. Money can work for you, if you become the “wise owner” of money and make money work for you. (note: you’re the Master, money is the slave, while many people are guilty of being slaves to money).We should Love people, use money. The sad thing is there are people who Love money and use people instead.3. Money will be safe and grow if you invest it wisely or if you invest under the advice of people who are wise in money. ie. investment knowledge is key to making money grow. You can either acquire Investment Knowledge yourself or you can invest money under the advice of people who have investment knowledge.4. Money will slip away from the man who invests it in businesses or investments with which he is not familiar or not “approved” by people who are wise in money. ie. Ask the opinion of those who are wise in money, they might be able to offer you information or advice that can prevent you from losing money.5. Money flees the man who falls into scams created by tricksters and conmen, who promise “impossible earnings”. One common weakness of human beings is "greed". Greed can make a person who is usually alert and smart "stupid". Greed can blind a man and is the main reason why financial scams continue to exist whether in ancient times or in the modern day.
Singapore in a recession, technically
Singapore is the first Asian country to fall into a recession since the crisis started. Japan is teetering on one, and New Zealand slid into a recession in the second quarter for the first time in more than a decade.
Financial crisis is like a public demonstration PART 1
- Stage 1 - Enthusiasm
- Stage 2 - Excitement
- Stage 3 - Frustrations
- Stage 4 - Hysterical
I have to start all over again
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Are economists useful to the economy?
In US, median salary of economists is around $72,780 with the top 10% earning more than $129,170 annually. Economic consultants with a Ph.D. had the overall highest median income for any group making $116,250, the median salaries for an assistant professor was $63,500, for an associate professor it lay at $67,000 and $85,000 for a full professor. The overall median income for doctorates in academia was $75,000 compared to $125,000 in consulting and $87,000 in banking.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
About the Labels
Live 365 - A brief journal of what I did in the last 24 hours and thoughts.
Polls - The polls I have created